Nov 30, 2018
Pik Mukherji will change your mind on assessing risk and benefit in resuscitation. There is a bent towards action in the Emergency Department. This is for a few reasons. We are risk adverse – we do not want to miss the acutely sick patient. We do not want to miss the patient that “falls of the cliff”. In fact, as...
Nov 28, 2018
Brandon loves wavy lines. He will draw the curtain on the use of continuous EEG in neuro critical care. Brandon will first take you back to medical school with some neuroanatomy and physiology to underpin you understanding of the EEG. He then steps you through what an EEG is telling you. Bumps, lines, amplitudes and...
Nov 28, 2018
Cliff Reid educates the audience on structured teaching of crisis resource management. Cliff works for Sydney HEMS in extreme conditions. The environment tries to kill them, and the patients try to die. He works in a big team, with a lot of the doctors never having worked in prehospital care. The team covers a huge...
Nov 27, 2018
Join Celia Bradford as she discusses blood pressure control in intracranial haemorrhage in neuro critical care. Intracranial haemorrhage risk factors include hypertension. The question becomes, what do you do with hypertension in the management of intracranial haemorrhage? Does blood pressure being high cause the bleed...