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Coda Change

Apr 16, 2021

An asthmatic who is hemodynamic compromised, can be killed instantly. This distinguishes these asthmatics from the standard asthmatic and how these patients are treated will make a huge difference to the outcome. Haney Mallemat recounts a story of an asthmatic who minutes after he was intubated, became...

Apr 16, 2021

Airway management needs to be proven, predictable and as simple as possible. Silence = death. It is hard to open yourself up and ask to be coached through something but it can be lifesaving. Laura Duggan explains how to survive Trauma RSI and come out the other side.

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Apr 16, 2021

We are in the business of saving lives but we are missing the low hanging fruit. To save lives, we must teach ourselves but crucially, we must teach the public to do the basics exceptionally well. The first link in the chain, the bystanders, have to be involved and have to know what to do. Mike Abernethy talks to...

Apr 13, 2021

Neurosurgery is time critical. Our job is essentially trying to avoid death and relieve pressure on the brain as quickly as possible. Acting rapidly is the most important thing we can do but achieving this in the outback and rural communities is challenging. How do we streamline the process to ensure that we care for...

Apr 1, 2021

Every child born today will be affected by the climate emergency and affected at every stage of their lives. Canadian sub-arctic is already 2.5c warmer than 70 years ago. Unfortunately, all sorts of health impacts are linked to the climate crisis. Heat stress, chronic disease from air pollution, infectious...