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Coda Change

Sep 25, 2018

"Out for blood" by Bill Hinckley 

Sep 24, 2018

Daniel Lichtenstein wants to make his past your future. Join him on a journey through the history of lung ultrasound in critical care and resuscitation. The scene is over 20 years ago in the desert of Mauritania. It is a noisy environment full of trucks and planes and motorbikes whipping up sand in a frenzy. You...

Sep 18, 2018

Emotion has a profound effect on decision-making. Chris Hicks demonstrates this as he discusses medical simulation and its ability to teach us skills to manage challenging emotions. As scientists and rational beings, we like to believe that we can control our emotions and make good decisions regardless of the context in...

Sep 12, 2018

What is New York City style resuscitation? Reuben Strayer and Scott Weingart honed their chops in public hospitals in America’s largest city, where patients come from every country, speak every language, and manifest every physiologic derangement on earth. Preferring to ask neither permission nor forgiveness, Reuben...